Coffee Coach

Supported languages: English, Dutch, French, Spanish, Italian, German, Turkish, Portuguese.

Always had the problem remembering what your colleagues ordered for a drink?
This is the perfect coach that helps to take the orders and remembers them for you!
No more worries that you bring the wrong drinks for your dear colleagues anymore.

App features:
-Place new orders or change them. Recall last order when serving.
-The app stores the last order of each colleague.
-Add/Change all the names of your colleagues.
-Add/Change your own groups to where a colleague belongs (e.g. ‘Office NY’, ‘Office LA’, etc.) if you have more than one working location.
-Most drinks are predefined but you can add and configure your own drinks if needed and choose your own composition of that drink.
-Change the composition of an drink like: Strength, Temperature, Milk, Sugar, Size.
-Choose you own language: English, Dutch, French, Spanish, Italian, German, Turkish, Portuguese.

Please visit the website of for more screen shots.

Happy serving!